Sunday, November 12, 2006


Robert's birthday was last Thurday. Yay for old man (26) Robert!

For his birthday dinner, he wanted quiche. I hate quiche, so it's really a treat for him if I make it once a year. We were supposed to have "Robert's Birthday--Observed" yesterday but I surprised him and made everything Thursday night while he was at Worship Team practice. I find that I get SO MUCH more work done when he isn't at home. Case in point, when he went to Seattle for a week long conference at the end of May, I washed 7 loads of laundry in one day! One entire load was sweaters that had not been worn since February! Currently, we don't even do 7 loads of laundry a month.

I digress.....So we had a good dinner of Italian Turkey Sausage-Broccoli-Mushroom-Onion-Swiss Cheese quiche, garlic cheddar rolls, and cinnamon cake with cream cheese icing. I had a hot pocket as my main course.

Last month, I gave him his gifts. We went to an Eric Clapton concert and the International Spy Museum in Washington, D.C. It was A LOT of fun! My favorite part of the spy museum was crawling through the duct work and listening to conversations. I'm not quite sure if that was for kids only, but we both fit, so we did it anyway. The concert was great and he played "Wonderful Tonight" which was our wedding song, so that made me happy. The people around us were also very entertaining, even though I don't think that was included in the ticket price. There was seriously only one row behind us before it was the back of the whole arena. A "slightly" (and by slightly I mean heavily) inebriated (sp??) man in front of us kept turning around yelling at us to get on our feet! As if we would see better standing up!

Finally, I sent him an e-card. It might possibly be the funniest card EVER! Try to get your mind around this, okay? There's a squirrel, a real-looking, non-cartoon squirrel. He even moves some with some type of Flash player or something. Okay, got that? Now, this squirrel will say whatever you want it to. So you just type it in and he says it. Okay, ready for this? THEN, you can make the squirrel talk in different voices. So Robert's birthday card was a talking British male squirrel reading my birthday wishes to him. It ended with "Love, Your Wife." Which sounded so much better coming from the squirrel than from me.

I sure had a good time for Rob's birthday stuff--I hope he can say the same. Maybe someday he'll post on here, but until then I'll just speak for him. "I had the best birthday ever. Rachel is amazing. I love squirrels and quiche. I'm an old man now, so next year I would like Depends for my birthday. Thanks for all your cards and phone calls."


ann said...

Love the squirrel card.

How can you do so little laundry? We do about three or four loads a week, at least. You don't even do seven a month?? That's crazy! I want to know your secret.

ann said...

Oh, and happy birthday Robert, of course!