Friday, August 22, 2008

I love August.

1. We celebrate our anniversary. Normally we eat Chinese food (we had a Chinese buffet at our reception) and recreate the top of our wedding cake. This year, we didn't eat Chinese food, but we had three houseguests from Taiwan, so maybe that's a little bit close. And behold the hexagonal rainbow chippiness:

2. My birthday is always a fun day too. This year we went to Little Italy for dinner and gelato (Caramel Apple=yum!) and then went to a play. A good time was had by all.

3. NFL commercials start to come back on TV, and this brings me more joy than I care to admit.

1 comment:

Gina's Rambling's said...

I thought about u on ur birthday when I had my strawberry and cream cake that John brought in, it was yummy!! I miss celebrating our birthdays together! maybe when you guy's move back we can make a point to see each other around our birthdays again! your anniversary cake looked yummy, too! ;0)