Wednesday, August 27, 2008

True Love

How can I not be crazy about these two?


ann said...

Has he always been blonde? Was Jarrod blonde? He looks exactly like a tiny blonde Jarrod in that first picture, and she looks like pictures I've seen of Carrie. Yes, you would be wacko not to be crazy about them! They are beautiful! (so are mine)

Rachel and Robert said...

Jarrod had dirty blond hair when he was little, but Kerri's hair is that white blond like Peyt's even today.

tricia said...

They are so cute, the oldest looks like Jarrod.

Gina's Rambling's said...

I love em more LOL! They are treasures aren't they? Are they getting excited about the move? Peyt does look like Daddy a lot and Rea looks a lot like Mommy, too!

ann said...

I give you my permission to shamelessly post prideful pictuers of those two every day for the rest of your life. Go ahead. Start today.