So, what have we been up to you ask?
1) We moved. AGAIN. We had some problems with our certifiable landlord, and moved to a different part of town. It's closer to my school, and about the same time to get to work for Robert. Previously, he was walking to work (about 20 minutes) and now it's about a 25 minute subway and/or bus ride home. This will definitely be better as it continues to get colder. Which brings me to #2...
2) It's getting colder. We don't like it. The end.
3) School and work are still giant time-suckers and we haven't had too much opportunity to see more of Boston. We did go to Salem though, before Halloween. That was really fun. We rode the ferry up and just spent the day. For me the best part was the tour/theatrical re-telling of "The House of Seven Gables" by Hawthorne. Good times. 
4) I surprised my brother with a visit home a few weeks ago. This is the first time I've seen him since he returned from Iraq in August, so the first time since the end of March that I've seen him at all. I also got to see Reagan for again! I've only seen her when she was 2 weeks old. I was really afraid I'd miss the cuddly baby stage and she'd be walking by Christmas, but I didn't! Oh--and she is perfect, in case there was any doubt. Photographic evidence:
That's all for now! I have some more pics to post, but they're not on the computer yet...
I wondered when u were going to be posting some more stuff on here!! Reagan is a very pretty young lady!!!
I really missed hearing from you!
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